News from Alpha New Life Center

This was Governor DeSantis’ Facebook post on June 24,2022…

The prayers of millions have been answered. For nearly fifty years, the U.S. Supreme Court has prohibited virtually any meaningful pro-life protection, but this was not grounded in the text, history or structure of the Constitution. By properly interpreting the Constitution, the Dobbs majority has restored the people’s role in our republic and a sense of hope that every life counts.

Florida will continue to defend its recently-enacted pro-life reforms against state court challenges, will work to expand pro-life protections, and will stand for life by promoting adoption, foster care and child welfare.

Isn’t it only fitting that today June 24, 2023 we announce that we have become a legal corporation in the state of Florida and will be opening Alpha New Life Center in Cape Coral in the near future.

God has been laying this on my heart since I worked for a maternity home in 2019-2020. There was a crisis pregnancy center attached to the home and since 2021, Cape Coral has not had a crisis pregnancy center to serve the women here.

Cape Coral, located in Lee County accounts for more than 25% of the population. Fort Myers has 3 known pregnancy resource centers.

Since our move back to SW Florida a year ago, God has been putting the pieces together and the time is now.

This pregnancy resource center will also be a place where all single moms can find hope and healing, not just those who are finding themselves in a crisis pregnancy. The following is a Facebook response when my husband posted that Roe V Wade had been overturned. I want you to hear our heart of doing this similar ministry for almost 20 years in Middle TN.

I’m not surprised that we have different thoughts on this, but thank you for reminding me of the hundreds of women that Meredith and I have served over the years. Girls who lived with us because they were given the choice to have an abortion or be homeless. Young women who ran up to us at community events to introduce us to their “miracle baby” and how we met them right before they were going to have an abortion. The stories we’ve heard about how having that child helped them change their lives for the better. The encouraging stories of young women who have received housing, education and ended generational cycles of abuse, incarceration, addiction and poverty because of the ministry we have done. The kids we’ve seen graduate from high school and college because we’ve helped their families. As far as the barbaric and archaic thought, I’m not sure what is more barbaric than ripping a baby limb from limb inside it’s mother and then leaving the surviving baby in a cold pan to die slowly over then next few minutes or even hours. Or maybe injecting a chemical into a mother, burning the skin and eyes of the baby to the point if death. You’re right, those are pretty barbaric things.

In James 1:27 it says

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I could go on and on, and I will in future blogs and posts. But here is how you can help today. In order to get started with need seed funds. We have found the most awesome location to house the center. It not only has offices, but a place to do ultrasounds, pregnancy testing and a safe place to talk through what is next. This space also offers a nice classroom where we can offer life skills classes, including parenting, job readiness and a budget class that makes sense to those who are just attempting to get through today.

So what do we need? Prayer… lots and lots of prayer. Not everyone agrees with saving a baby, let alone a family.

Next is money… I really wish I could fund this myself, because asking for money is my least favorite thing to do but.. I was once told that by doing it myself, I first of all don’t get to watch God show off.. and secondly I take away someone else’s joy of giving to an amazing cause.

I have placed the donation link below. If you want to write a check you can make it out to Alpha New Life Center and mail it to PO Box 100331 Cape Coral FL 33910 (we have already applied for 501(C)3 status).

If you have other ways you would like to be involved please reach out. We will need office furniture and equipment, supplies, and VOLUNTEERS.

Please feel free to email us at

Thank you for reading and we pray you will be celebrating with us as we walk with moms, who need help and healing.